Dr. Monica Cojocaru and team, with support from University of Guelph leadership, officially launched the AI4CastingHub. This initiative, funded in part by NSERC, will harness industry support from partner Sanofi, along with other universities and public health, will use advanced modelling techniques to look at public perception of public health directives. The ultimate goal is to understand how population adoption of public health recommendations can influence pathogen transmission to help better inform policymaking for future pandemics.
Follow the updates on:September 26, 2024 (Updated November 18, 2024) // News // AI4CastingHub CEPSResearch CollaborativeResearch covid-19 COVID19Research EpidemiologicalModels FluForecasting HealthPreparedness hubverse InfectiousDiseaseModeling influenza NSERC OneHealthResearch OntarioPublicHealth PandemicPreparedness PredictiveModeling PublicHealthAI PublicHealthPolicy RSV RSVResearch SanofiResearch UniversityofGuelphResearch