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Target Data

What is the Target Data?

The AI4Casting Hub utilizes a variety of publicly available data sets to create accurate and timely disease forecasts. Our data sources include health records, epidemiological reports, and real-time updates from global health organizations. By analyzing these diverse data sets, we can model the spread of diseases, understand public health trends, and provide valuable insights for policy-making and public health planning. For more detailed information and access to our data sets, please visit our GitHub repository

The AI4Casting Hub employs cutting-edge wastewater surveillance techniques to monitor and forecast the spread of diseases like COVID-19. By analyzing SARS-CoV-2 gene copies in community wastewater, we can detect infection trends in real-time and predict future outbreaks. Our surveillance data, collected from various regions, provide critical insights into public health and inform response strategies. For more information, visit our waste water surveillance data